Total organ overhaul and addition of 16’ Principal

St. Matthew Church
East Syracuse,

The complete renovation of the organ at St. Matthew’s Church in East Syracuse, NY, spanned several months in 2009. The restoration involved meticulous cleaning of all pipes, replacement of tuning sleeves, a thorough renovation of the keyboards, adjustments to the swell shutters, and revisions to the key action. We also added a much-needed 16′ Principal rank for the pedal division—an open wood rank placed on a new windchest behind the existing organ case. Remarkably, we connected this new windchest to the existing tracker action, maintaining the integrity of the instrument’s original mechanical action.

In the final stage of the overhaul, we replaced the outdated stop action with a modern, German-engineered electronic stop action system. This new system includes 3,999 levels of memory, fresh draw knobs, and new slider solenoids, all of which significantly enhance the organ’s functionality. These upgrades have elevated this instrument to a top-class condition, ensuring its reliability and excellence for years to come.