Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC

Dedicatory recital by Timothy Belk, November 2, 2018

This is our largest instrument built to date. The organ is a pure tracker, with electric stop action controlled by electronic caption system boasting 10,000 memory levels. All pipework is new except for Subbas 16’, Contre Viole 16’ and Clarinet 8’, which were preserved as a “bridge-over” from the previous organ (M. P. Moller from 1975). The French terrace console has a low height enabling good visibility for both the organist and the choir. The organ has 47 stops, 59 ranks, divided between three manuals and a pedal, featuring a total of 3,075 pipes.


1. Contre Viole 16’

2. Principal 8’ (façade)

3. Flûte Harmonique 8’

4. Gamba 8’

5. Octave 4’ (façade)

6. Cor de Nuit 4’

7. Quinte 2 2/3’

8. Doublette 2’

9. Cornet III

10. Fourniture IV-V

11. Trumpet 8’

SWELL (enclosed)

12. Lieblich Gedackt 16’

13. Gedackt 8’

14. Viola 8’

15. Celeste 8’

16. Principal 4’

17. Rohrflöte 4’

18. Octave 2’

19. Larigot 1 1/3’

20. Plein Jeu IV

21. Tromba 16’

22. Trompette Harmonique 8’

23. Hautbois 8’


CHOIR (enclosed)

24. Clarabella 8’

25. Montre 8’

26. Unda Maris 8’

27. Prestant 4’

28. Koppelflöte 4’

29. Nasard 2 2/3’

30. Piccolo 2’

31. Tierce 1 3/5’

32. Mixture III

33. Clarinet 8’

34. Rohrschalmei 4’



35. Contre Bourdon 32’

36. Contrabass 32’

37. Contre Viole 16’ (GT)

38. Subbass 16’

39. Lieblich Gedackt 16’ (SW)

40. Octave 8’ (façade)

41. Bourdon 8’

42. Choralbass 4’

43. Mixture IV

44. Bombarde 32’

45. Posaune 16’

46. Trompette 8’

47. Clarion 4’


Temperament – Neidhardt 1729

A=440 Hz at 19 degrees Celsius

Manual compass – 61 keys

Pedal compass – 32 keys