Østerhåb Kirke, Horsens, Denmark

Dedicatory recital by Prof. Ulrik Spang-Hanssen, June 9, 2013 

This was our first overseas project with which we broke a historic barrier – we became the first ever American firm to build an instrument in Denmark, a country famous for consistently great organs and meticulous builders. We were deeply honored to have been chosen, and were excited to deliver a one of a kind instrument. The specification called for 26 stops, including a 32’ Contra Bourdon in the pedal.  The church building offered excellent acoustics with approximately four seconds of reverberation in an intimate, not-too-large room of very modern design.  Key action is mechanical and stop action is electric with electronic memory.  


1. Bourdon 16’

2. Principal 8’

3. Hohlflöte 8’

4. Gamba 8’

5. Trumpet 8’

6. Octave 4’

7. Gemshorn 4’

8. Super Octave 2’

9. Mixture IV-V


Coupler II – I

Swell (enclosed)

10. Geigen Principal 8’

11. Gedact 8’

12. Salicional 8’

13. Bifara 8’

14. Oboe 8’

15. Prestant 4’

16. Rohrflöte 4’

17. Nasat 2 2/3’

18. lageolet Harm. 2’

19. Cornet III

20. Mixture III-IV



21. Contra Bourdon 32’

22. Subbass 16’

23. Holzposaune 16’

24. Octavbass 8’

25. Bassflöte 8’

26. Choralbass 4’

Coupler I – P

Coupler II – P

Temperament – Neidhardt 1729

A=440 Hz at 19 degrees Celsius

Manual compass – 61 keys

Pedal compass – 30 keys