Organ Move, Renovation and Upgrade

All Saints Lutheran Church
Charlotte, NC

In early 2016, we were entrusted with the task of relocating and completely renovating the 1970 E. F. Walcker organ from Sihler Hall at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. The new home for this instrument, All Saints Lutheran Church in Charlotte, NC, was in the process of upgrading its facilities and integrating a pipe organ into its worship environment. The organ was carefully moved to our facility and stored for nearly two years. In 2018, we completed the project. The scope of work was extensive and took nearly eight months to finish. By the end of the process, the organ was in better-than-new condition, with all crucial components either completely renovated or replaced. The expected lifespan of this instrument is at least one hundred years with only minimal maintenance, making it an excellent long-term investment.


Manual I

  • Prinzipal 8’ (part of the façade)

  • Rohrflöte 8’

  • Oktave 4’

  • Sesquialter 1-2 ranks

  • Waldflöte 2’

  • Mixtur 3-4 ranks

  • II-I coupler

Manual II

  • Gedeckt 8’

  • Nachtohorn 4’

  • Prinzipal 2’

  • Quinte 1-1/3’

  • Zimbel 3 ranks

  • Rohrschalmei 8’

  • Tremolo


  • Subbaβ 16’

  • Zartbaβ 16’

  • Gedecktbaβ 8’

  • Choralbaβ 4’

  • Nachthorn 2’

  • Gagott 16’

  • I-Pedal coupler

  • II-Pedal coupler

Manual Compass - 61 notes
Pedal Compass - 32 notes

  • Zartbaβ 16' shares pipes with Subbaβ 16'. Wind is regulated via regulators to the Zartbaβ, making the stop softer.

  • Wind pressure: 63 mm

  • Temperament: Neidhardt 1729

  • A=440 Hz at 19°C

The organ was dedicated on Sunday, November 4, 2018, by Dr. Patricia Parker.